Turn to Jesus

Our world is in a lamentable state. We live with evidence of things-not-right in our own private worlds. We experience difficult life situations which turn us upside down. Many of us suffer with the injustices we see around the globe. Hearts are overwhelmed when people dwell on the regrets of...

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Perseverance is not a word that conjures up joy in my heart. Especially when life appears to be made up of situations designed to be Perseverance Skills Tests. Kind of like CrossFit workouts for the spiritually-minded. Life is hard. Perseverance is a word that makes me think of hard physical...

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Prayer is a joy-giver

Prayer is a joy-giver. Feeling overwhelmed? Frantic? Discouraged? Defeated? Doubtful? Talk to Jesus. When we pray, we are focused on His presence. We are aware that Jesus is always with us and will never leave us. Prayer makes His presence more personal in the moment because we are talking to...

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Satan is a liar

Satan is a liar. Jesus called him the father of lies. When Jesus states something so plainly, we must take notice. Satan’s work seeks to derail our lives with lies about God. One of his two standard deceptions tempts us to believe that God’s Word is not true. Confusion sets...

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Our Burden Bearer

Sometimes I want to be more efficient and just get it done quickly. So I go ahead and lift more weight than I should. Sometimes I am arrogant and think, “I got this.” Sometimes I don’t want to wait until someone is available. So I occasionally go ahead and move...

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