Sanctity of Life

Dignity. Significance. Being worthy. We long to know that life has meaning. All of us want to know that we matter. We suffer when we do not realize our importance in this world. The living God of the universe helps us begin to grasp our significance. A dignity which has...

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Kids Camp

Thank you for praying for Kids Camp. We are having a wonderful week learning about Jesus from eternity past to eternity future. Kids are learning that even before the beginning of time, Jesus has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be God! Our key passage is Revelation 1:8. Jesus is the...

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Intentional Parenting: Sadness

Intentional Parenting: Sadness (Naomi and Ruth) Sadness is not a wrong feeling. However, our hope in the midst of sadness is that we will not remain so but will find joy again. Don’t diminish your children’s suffering or sadness. Encourage them to remember that wounds of the heart will heal...

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