Heart of Worship

The seasons are changing. My yard is continually filled with leaves from the sycamore and elm trees. We have less hours of daylight, and the temperatures are getting cooler. In just a few weeks, winter will have officially arrived. With each new season comes fresh opportunities to praise the Lord....

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Rejoicing in Giving!

Thank you for being faithful! What a journey our church family has been on these last six weeks!  As we have waded through the aftermath of the sewage backup, you have remained dedicated to the Lord. You have been faithful to give financially, both to our general fund and towards...

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Revive Us Again

For whatever reason, I’ve had the old hymn “Revive Us Again” stuck in my head. To be specific, most of what I’m stuck on is the melody. While I could remember the chorus, I couldn’t remember the lyrics of any of the verses (don’t judge!). I got curious and looked...

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Advent Week 3: JOY!

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” (Phil. 4:4-5) The third Sunday of Advent we are invited to reflect on the joy we have access to because of our faith in Jesus. One of the defining characteristics of...

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Are you joyful?

Christians today are characterized as joyful, right? Not so fast! According to a Pew Research Center report in 2019 only 36% of the “actively religious” describe themselves as very happy. That is at least higher than the 25% of inactively religious that claim to be very happy, right? I have no idea...

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