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Rejoicing in Giving!

Thank you for being faithful! What a journey our church family has been on these last six weeks!  As we have waded through the aftermath of the sewage backup, you have remained dedicated to the Lord.

You have been faithful to give financially, both to our general fund and towards the restoration fund. Even as we have been meeting at an alternate location, you have feen faithful to come and gather. I have truly seen your love for the Lord and for one another during this season. You have exemplified John 13:34:

A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34

You have been faithful to serve. It takes many people and involves numerous moving parts to have our worship gathering at an alternate location. Meanwhile, classes for our babies – preschoolers have still been taking place in our facility. You have consistently worked to help us make ministry happen. I have also seen numerous people serving at our facility during the week.

You have also prayed fervently. Please continue to do so. God is continually answering our prayers. One way the fruit of our prayers is being seen is through us returning to our building TONIGHT for Awana!

I fully believe that God will honor your faithfulness. I’d like to encourage you to remain faithful as you fervently pray through this week’s Prayer List.

Love in Christ,

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