Fear of the Lord

My brother, Nathan, has always had a healthy fear of things which he felt were not under his control. When we were growing up, he did not have any interest in riding high roller coasters. Although he is older, I was always the first to ride the ferris wheel, while...

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Trusting God’s Creativity

God’s originality can change your life. When you are stumped or even when you think you have all the answers, consider letting God be creative. His wild imagination for beauty, design, and systems to sustain it all causes us to reflect on the nature of our God. The products of...

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Sanctity of Life

Dignity. Significance. Being worthy. We long to know that life has meaning. All of us want to know that we matter. We suffer when we do not realize our importance in this world. The living God of the universe helps us begin to grasp our significance. A dignity which has...

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Paramount Resolution

Everyone desires positive change. We like to picture ourselves moving up and to the right on the trajectory of life. Some of us just want a little polish and buff. Some of us want a full makeover. At this time of year, people often state their intentions through resolutions. Keeping...

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The Ultimate Gift

During the Christmas season, we emphasize giving and receiving gifts. Practical gifts are useful and serve a specific purpose. Edible gifts can satisfy cravings from sweet to savory. There are fun gifts that are a nod to a hobby or other leisurely interest. Some of my favorite gifts to both...

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