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Paramount Resolution

Everyone desires positive change. We like to picture ourselves moving up and to the right on the trajectory of life. Some of us just want a little polish and buff. Some of us want a full makeover.

At this time of year, people often state their intentions through resolutions. Keeping resolutions can be a dicey process.

Let me offer you some help with your resolutions. Here is a sampling from a list of “Resolutions You Can Keep.” Apply yourself and you will have success:

Gain weight. At least 30 pounds.
Stop exercising. Waste of time.
Read less. Makes you think.
Create loose ends.
Get more in debt.

I hope you know I’m being facetious here. That’s a fatalistic view of declaring a New Year’s Resolution. Most people think resolutions are doomed to fail but the truth is, many people achieve at least some of their goals.

Let me offer a resolution that is sure to take you on quite the Spirit-filled adventure. This resolution is filled with lots of uncertainty, brings glory to God, and establishes change in you for the better! Resolve to follow Jesus in 2024.

Jesus was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and
take up his cross daily and follow Me.”

~ Luke 9:23

Jesus has written your resolution for you. Simply resolve to keep it. Follow Jesus wherever He leads on a daily basis. The unspoken goal is to become more and more like Jesus. Not only does Jesus write your resolution, but He has also given you the Holy Spirit to strengthen your resolve.

The journey is filled with detours and doubt, but the payoff is filled with joyful transformation. Jesus is your companion and as you follow Him, you discover His character unfolding in you.

Following Jesus is a resolution I strive to keep. I am glad I am on this journey with you. I need your ongoing encouragement, admonishment, and shared resolve to magnify Jesus in this way. I will return the same to you.

Love and blessings,

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