Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving sets the table for transformation. And I don’t mean that if you eat too much, you’ll have trouble buttoning up your pants.  Thankfulness sets the table for transformation by shifting the attitude of our hearts to gratitude and away from grab-i-tude. You know, grabbing your rights and your self-centered...

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I have been thinking a great deal about praise lately. Michael and Cindy Benefield’s wedding theme was “Praise!” I structured their ceremony around Psalm 145. I think praise can improve our prayer lives.  Scripture reveals how God uses praise to fight spiritual battles. We know that praise declares God’s goodness...

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Praise, Perspective, and Promise

Meditating on Psalm 104 this morning, I saw three concepts that bring power to prayer: praise, perspective, and promise. This beautiful creation psalm recasts the Genesis account in poetic language. Verses 5-9 draw our attention to the creation of the earth, specifically. You set earth on a firm foundation    so that...

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Anxiety. Despair. Discouragement. Disillusionment. They tend to set our emotions in motion and consume our thoughts. These descriptive words tend to worm their way into our daily lives. In a well-known passage in Philippians, Paul penned the pattern for relief. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication...

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Turn to Jesus

Our world is in a lamentable state. We live with evidence of things-not-right in our own private worlds. We experience difficult life situations which turn us upside down. Many of us suffer with the injustices we see around the globe. Hearts are overwhelmed when people dwell on the regrets of...

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