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Embedded in God’s Word

We are marked by the people we consider important to our lives.

In fact, most of us hear “voices” in our heads. Everyone plays some type of recording from earlier days. Those memories are usually from a person influential in your life. The thoughts can be positive. The thoughts can be negative.

Who is it in your life that you constantly hear today? Is it your coach when you are in the middle of a fitness routine? Is it your choir director when you sing along with your favorite band? Is it your parent when you are making a decision and weighing the consequences?

We kids assembled some of our Dad’s favorite phrases after he went home to be with the Lord. We printed and framed them for all the siblings. They bring back fond and often funny memories when we read them.

Some of his oft-repeated phrases were, “Loose lips sink ships.” “Don’t major on the minor.” The one that was ingrained in me was, “You can’t go wrong with the Lord!”

That phrase has popped up in times of suffering and sorrow prompting me to find my comfort in the Lord. That saying has been an invitation to get to know the Lord and let Him prove Himself in times of doubt or frustration. That slogan has been motivation to me when I’ve been tempted to follow the ways of the world.

Jesus was fond of giving His disciples truth they could hold on to. Everything with which He instructed them prepared them (and us!) for life. Whether it had to do with salvation, sanctification, or how to deal with persecution, Jesus was helping His disciples grasp genuine life in Him.

In the first part of John 16, Jesus informed His disciples that they would endure persecution. He even acknowledged that some would die because of Him. He gave them confidence and hope by His words of preparation.

But these things I have spoken to you, so that when their hour comes,
you may remember that I told you of them.
John 16:4a

The words of Jesus come back to those who listen to Him. Whether directed toward His disciples traveling dusty roads within earshot of Him or us today reading God’s Word, Jesus’ words are powerful. They are brought to mind by the Holy Spirit.

We are assured that nothing that happens is outside His knowledge or control. We can rest in the truth that He has prepared us beforehand. We can thank the Holy Spirit for playing His voice in our heads when we are in need.

Jesus is intentional about giving you His Word. Read it. Listen to it. He knows what you need to hear now because He knows what you will face later. Let Him mark you with His words. Let the Holy Spirit bring eternal truth to mind.

Love and blessings,

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