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God’s Bountiful Provision

Someone has well said, “There is no such thing as a Christian Scrooge.” We may occasionally identify someone who claims to be a Christian and is a Scrooge. But when Christ transforms lives, the Spirit motivates us to give generously.

The gospel opens our hearts and hands, our mouths and our bank accounts. We have seen generosity at work in our church family these last few weeks.

People have been generous with their time and energy. I cannot get over the number of hours women and men and children have given to major work and to light work restoring our Ministry Tool, the building. I am in awe of Perry Lee keeping track of everything, doing major work himself, and organizing work shifts with available people. The generosity of volunteers on work shifts has restored a great deal of our building.

People have given generously of their time in prayer for workers, for supplies, for wisdom, for decision-making, and for finances. Just last Saturday, a group of women prayer walked through the building in preparation for our return to worship here. The generosity of prayer warriors with their fervency and frequency gives us confidence that God is in this work.

People have given generously of their finances. Without a campaign or anything resembling a “major push,” our church family has given nearly $80,000.00 toward restoration in a matter of a few weeks. The generosity of people with their finances not only speeds the restoration, but such generosity also causes great rejoicing throughout the church family.

Generosity begets generosity. The generous heart of God flows through all His attributes. We see it in His attitude and actions toward humanity. Jesus gave His life as a sinless sacrifice that we might have eternal life through faith in Him. His generosity invades our hearts, fills us with joy, and that overflows in our lives through the giving of ourselves and our resources.

Paul encourages us with the example of the Macedonians’ heartfelt giving…

Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart,
not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7

I speak for the leadership and the entire church family when I say, “We are so thankful that you
have given of yourselves and your resources so cheerfully! Your bountiful spirit, time, energy,
love, prayers, and finances have reflected the Lord’s generosity. There are no Scrooges here.” 

Love and blessings,

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