Paramount Resolution

Everyone desires positive change. We like to picture ourselves moving up and to the right on the trajectory of life. Some of us just want a little polish and buff. Some of us want a full makeover. At this time of year, people often state their intentions through resolutions. Keeping...

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God is in Every Season

If you hurry, you can get it all done. Order gifts online. Haul decorations from the attic. Set up the tree. If you waste no time, you can get the oil changed, make up the guest bed, and clean the house. Plan the Birthday Party for Jesus. If you’re quick, you...

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Trusting His Process

I marvel at Jesus’ anticipation of our needs as His followers. In my walk with Jesus, I often get weary of the confusion I experience in terms of His actions and His timing. You could translate that last sentence as, “why I don’t get immediate action and change at the...

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Joy and Thanksgiving

My mother taught me to write Thank You notes. She would give me a simple card on which to write and station me at a card table set up for the purpose. I was in the living room beneath a small window on the side of the house. Blue sky...

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God’s Bountiful Provision

Someone has well said, “There is no such thing as a Christian Scrooge.” We may occasionally identify someone who claims to be a Christian and is a Scrooge. But when Christ transforms lives, the Spirit motivates us to give generously. The gospel opens our hearts and hands, our mouths and...

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