The Blues

I read that it was Blue Monday two days ago. I didn’t know Blue Monday was a thing. As far as musical genres go, I like the blues. Those two sentences are not necessarily related. Whether you feel blue or like the blues, please keep reading. Blue Monday? Some psychologist decided...

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Advent Week 1: HOPE!

Advent season began this past Sunday, November 28, and for the next four weeks, I (Matt), want to give you passages of scripture, a few thoughts to ponder and a song of worship that will match with the theme of each week. I pray these advent meditations will help guide...

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Overflowing Heart

“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13 (NLT) The other day I left the hose on to fill up...

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Shadows and Sunshine

I know everybody is saying it, but we are living in really strange times. The last year and a half has been crazy and in many ways unbelievable. Sometimes it feels like the world has changed more in the last 18 months than in the whole rest of my life,...

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