Less is More

Math has never been my strong suit. When I was in school growing up, I gravitated towards music and preferred English classes. My dad, on the other hand, double majored in math and psychology. He has an analytical way of thinking and was an engineer for all his adult working...

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Initial, Perfect Love

The phrase, “I love you” is powerful. With it, we can communicate someone’s worth and significance. It can be used to express romantic feelings towards a significant other. And, there is nothing quite like the bond between a parent and a child. This is a selfless type of love, as...

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Heavenly Healing

We have all had moments of sadness and pain. Many of these instances are fleeting. You stub your toe, and it throbs for a few minutes. You are quickly able to return to your day. Other painful experiences have a more lasting effect. Perhaps you might even be able to...

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Our Eternal Stronghold

The arctic blast that we received has made this week quite eventful! With the subfreezing temperatures, along with flurries and freezing rain, winter has certainly made itself known. Houses and trees were capped with ice. I saw that one family even made tiny snow people out of snowballs! I grew...

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The Ultimate Gift

During the Christmas season, we emphasize giving and receiving gifts. Practical gifts are useful and serve a specific purpose. Edible gifts can satisfy cravings from sweet to savory. There are fun gifts that are a nod to a hobby or other leisurely interest. Some of my favorite gifts to both...

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