Keep Short Accounts With God

Keeping short accounts with God gives us the freedom to experience the abundance of life which Jesus promises. I am talking about confessing sin. Confession of sin can improve your prayer life.

I believe our prayer life is an area of abundance that you and I enjoy when we are walking in the light with Jesus.

I compare it to an AC filter in your home. Your AC filter gets rid of dust, dirt, and even allergens in order to keep the air being funneled into your home free of things that hinder your breathing. When that filter is doing its work, it captures all these elements that should not be living in your lungs.

When the filter is functioning, it must be replaced on a regular basis. If the AC filter is not replaced, the current one gets clogged and slows down the amount of air coming through the system. A very dirty filter can even shut down your air conditioning unit.

So it is with sin. Jesus paid the price for your sin. Jesus does not look to catch you sinning or condemn you when you sin. However, like the AC, your heart becomes “clogged” with sin. Spiritually, you “slow down” and can even “shut down” when living in sin. You are not experiencing the full freedom of life in Christ.

Therefore, confess your sins on a regular basis.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

Keep short accounts with God. Do not ignore or disregard sin. Certainly, do not live in rebellion. Choose to agree with God that you have sinned against Him, receive His forgiveness, and enjoy His freedom.

His grace frees your heart to experience and enjoy Jesus’ life of abundance.

Love and blessings,


  1. Reply
    David says:

    Very helpful! Thank you for this… 🙂

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