Making Peace Within

“It’s not a high price for peace of mind.” As I was checking out at Harbor Freight I couldn’t help but laugh to myself at the cashier’s half-hearted attempt at being persuasive. I was there to purchase a $10 furniture dolly to help move a heavy piece of furniture. This...

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Our Burden Bearer

Sometimes I want to be more efficient and just get it done quickly. So I go ahead and lift more weight than I should. Sometimes I am arrogant and think, “I got this.” Sometimes I don’t want to wait until someone is available. So I occasionally go ahead and move...

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Keep Short Accounts With God

Keeping short accounts with God gives us the freedom to experience the abundance of life which Jesus promises. I am talking about confessing sin. Confession of sin can improve your prayer life. I believe our prayer life is an area of abundance that you and I enjoy when we are...

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Thankfulness is the prevailing attitude of the follower of Jesus. Paul states it plainly: Whatever you do in word or deed,do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,giving thanks through Him to God the Father.(Colossians 3:17) Prayer is a beautiful time of communion with our Lord Jesus. You have His...

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De-cluttering the Heart

Do you like to de-clutter?! I spent all day on Monday de-cluttering our kitchen and garage, two spaces that tend to be depots for homeless items. I physically experience joy and peace walking into a room after removing unneeded furniture, piled up and forgotten family “items” (I call it junk),...

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