Every Sunday at 9:30am
Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF) are CBC’s mid-size communities where we study God’s Word and care for one another. They meet from 9:30 to 10:40am on Sunday mornings. Each ABF has its own style, teaching, and fellowship. You will find a wide variety of life stages and ages in each group. Feel free to try each one to find the best fit for you or ask our Welcome Center Team to direct you based on what you are looking for in a community Bible study.
The Quest
The Quest class is led by Phillip and Kim Wells. This class is currently studying the Gospel of John with a team of teachers..
The Berean class is led by Brad Hayes, Michael Benefield and Larry Foerster. They are currently in a study of the prophet Isaiah.
New Life
The New Life class is led by Jim Mayfield and Ves Caperton. This group is currently studying the book of Romans.