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He is Our Life Line



Within the neighborhood in which I live, there is a community “green space.” This uninhabited area is heavily wooded. It, no doubt, looks similar to how the neighborhood would have looked before roads were paved and homes were built. Within this green space, there is a nature trail. This area can become quite marshy, especially after periods of heavy rain. It is no wonder that moisture loving plants like deep purple beautyberry, golden lantana, sycamore trees, sweet gum trees, and palmetto palms abound in this area. The plants and trees in this area love to be planted in and around water. They thrive on the life that the water brings. Without it, these plants would wither. The prophet Jeremiah compares individuals who trust in people versus those who trust in the Lord.


Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord (Jeremiah 17:5). We are all imperfect people, with the tendency to fail. We tend to trust in our own power and abilities. Whether we are trusting in leaders, family members, or friends, we all have the capacity to let one another down. When we put our faith primarily in people rather than in Christ, our hearts can become hardened towards Him. A life apart from Christ is empty and meaningless.


But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him (Jeremiah 17:7). We certainly need each other in the body of Christ. God made us for community. We build one another up and trust in the Lord together. Yet, all people fall short of God’s standard. God, on the other hand, does not have the capacity to fail. It is simply not in His nature. When we initially put our trust in Him, we receive the blessing of His salvation. As we continue to trust in Him, we follow Him more closely and grow in our faith.


They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit (Jeremiah 17:8). As believers, we draw sustenance from Christ and His word. He is our lifeblood. Missing the opportunity to trust in Jesus for eternity results in separation from Him. Salvation does not come from ourselves, but through faith in Christ. Christ gives us an overwhelming sense of peace when we trust in Him. Praise God for His abundant grace in which we can partake in the New Covenant! May we be like trees planted by the water, drawing life from Christ.

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