Scripture for Today
Ephesians 4:29 (ESV)
29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Let’s focus on our horizontal relationships in the home today. Let’s take the strength, grace, and truth which Jesus delivers and offer it to those with whom we are sheltered in place.
The coronavirus has brought fear and stress which in turn often cause fractures in relationships. When we are hurting, we are tempted to release our frustration and anger on others through ill-chosen words.
Jesus offers us a transformation of the tongue which leads us to build others up instead of tearing them down.
First, avoid hurtful words. Get rid of all corrupting talk. The original word reads, “putrid” or “rotten.” When you prepare to blurt something out, ask yourself, “Will these words leave a foul stench in the air?” Hurtful words divide people and cause them to move away from each other. Get rid of words that are unkind and upsetting. Include slander, sarcasm, and gossip.
Give thought to what you will say. It is easy to rationalize our speech by saying, “I didn’t mean it. I was only kidding.” The truth is, we have more control than that in this slower pace of life.
Secondly, choose healthy words. Words that build up. Take time to think about words that strengthen, encourage, and affirm. Find words that assert, “This is true about you.” Decide on a character trait. Show gratitude for an action done. Choose a fruit of the Spirit.
God’s Word inserts a helpful hint at this point by including as fits the occasion. That means that you and I must engage in active listening. Seek to understand what the other person is going through, their needs, and their concerns. Then speak words that build up. Those kinds of words unify instead of divide.
Finally, give grace. I love that concept. Grace finds beauty in everything. Grace contains truth backed by pursuing love. Now that might sound a bit intense for a simple conversation but it just might be what pushes you in the direction of saying something strengthening. May you be intentional in choosing words that cause you to look someone in the eye and encourage their heart.
Spreading grace,
Prayer for Today
Dear Jesus,
You are kind. Your Word reveals that you are gentle and humble. You are truth but never without love. You have worked to take the rough edges off our hearts that we might serve others with our words. You are grace.
We confess that we are quick to speak and slow to hear. Our tongues engage before our hearts filter the content. We agree that we often divide with our words. We repent of talking to You one way and people made in Your image another.
Thank You for giving us the power to strengthen another person’s heart. Thank You for pointing out the pathway to healthy conversation. Thank You for changing us inside so that we are capable of affirming one another.
We need Your control over our mouths. We ask Your Spirit to rein in our quick retorts and outbursts of anger. We ask You to redeem each conversation as if it were our last. We ask You to make our minds nimble and agile when choosing words that the words will be unifying and not dividing, building up and not tearing down.
We love you. Thank You for loving us. In the joyful name of Jesus, Amen.
Song for Today
Trust and Obey
YouTube Link
Author: John H. Sammis and Daniel B. Towner
Public Domain
CCLI: #22094
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word
What a glory He sheds on our way
While we do His good will, He abides with us still
And with all who will trust and obey
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey
Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies
But His smile quickly drives it away
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear
Can abide while we trust and obey
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey
Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go
Never fear, only trust and obey
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey
Dick Norman says:
March 30, 2020 at 8:48 pmThanks Dave for these daily devos, once again you are right on point.